Friday, April 9, 2010

Darklight: The Hero Archetype

Darklight by Lesley Livingston is the sequel to the book Wondrous Strange. In Darklight, Kelley is forced to make an alliance with Mabh, her mother and the fairy queen of the autumn court, when an angry leprechaun comes seeking revenge.

In Wondrous Strange, Kelley left her ordinary world, discovered a new identity, and sacrificed half of her royal faerie inheritance in order to save the man she loved. In Darklight Kelley continues to play the part of the hero. She still acts like a seventeen-year-old girl, but she spends her free time rushing off to save her faerie friends from danger.

"Her clover charm clenched tight in one hand, Kelley called up a fistful of magick in the other and turned back to face the next attack . . . she whipped a ball of crackling purple sparks at the exposed flank of a glaistig. Then she parried a running strike from Jenii Greenteeth, spinning back around in time to see Sonny dispatch another of the horrific Green Maidens with deadly grace and efficiency." (Lesley Livingston Darklight 280, 281)

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